Location: Ptah Akhenaten Pronaos
Street: 2901 S Meridian St
City/Town: Indianapolis, IN 46225
Website or Map: https://sites.google.com/a/amorc.rosicrucian.org/indianarosicrucians/indianapolis
AMORC members only.
All AMORC members are invited to participate in a Pronaos Convocation at 2:00 pm EDT with a topic of "A Prerequisite to Spiritual Advancement." Please arrive by 1:30 pm with membership credentials and current dues paid receipt at Ptah Akhenaten Pronao5.
Light refreshments will be available - feel free to bring a dish or snack to share.
Please invite family and friends to join us for an Open Meeting at 3.30 pm to discuss the Genesis of Rosicrucian Philosophy.
We look forward to joining with your Light!