Location: Hamilton Pronaos
Street: 64 Wellington St N
City/Town: Hamilton, ON L8R 1N1
Website or Map: https://sites.google.com/a/amorc.rosicrucian.org/ontariorosicrucians/home/hamilton-pronaos
Public Event in person at Unity Hall, 64 Wellington St N Hamilton. Kindly arrive a few minutes prior to 12.30 to ensure a prompt start time.
Street parking is available
Contact: ontario@amorc.rosicrucian.org
In this presentation we will perform a Rosicrucian Alchemy Meditation to balance and bind together the four elements of Earth, Air, Water, and Fire in our body, to attune with the quintessence or fifth element that directs the transformation of energy into matter. We will be aided by vowel sounds in this exercise. (Vowel sounds produce vibrations in the room that pass through one’s own being to stimulate the psychic centres and harmonize with universal vibrations. Their use affects the aura). We will have Grand Master Julie Scott’s guidance for the Alchemy Meditation and vowel sounds.
We will discuss about Isaac Newton, (an alchemist and mystic), who wrote about the quintessence.