Location: Online 1:30 pm PDT
One of the most powerful, though often less considered, forms of the microcosm of the macrocosm for the student of mysticism is that of the city. The sacredness of a city can partake of two essential types: a cosmic plan and a place of a holy being, person, and event. Akhetaton, Yuan Dadu (later Beijing), Teotihuacan, Banaras, Jerusalem, and Mecca are examples partaking of one or both types.
In this regard, we will particularly explore medieval Bury St Edmunds in East Anglia, England. We will consider its surrounding jurisdictional territory, town and plan, monastery, great abbey church, and pilgrimage shrine of its guiding sovereign, martyr, and saint Edmund. Join Hugh McCague as we enter into the Inner spiritual meaning and experience of the sacred city, and the many Rosicrucian laws and principles it entails for the aspiring student.
You can access the teleconference at https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88932196385