Rosicrucian Digest

Rosicrucian Digest Vol 98 No 2 2020

Living in Harmony with the Natural World 

Volume 98 Number 2 2020

This issue of the Rosicrucian Digest explores living in harmony with the natural world, surveys the intimate spiritual connections between people and plants and animals, and investigates the nature of the universe as one interconnected whole.

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Living in Harmony with the Natural World - Our New Story
Julie Scott, SRC

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Video: Living in Harmony with the Natural World
Images: Cat's Eye Nebula, Christian Rosenkreuz map, Elementary Inhabitants

Fireflies at night

We are the Ones We've Been Waiting For
Attributed to an unnamed Hopi elder

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Image: Hopi Sand Mosaic

Maintaining inner harmoney

Listening to Earth: Writing an Ecological Autobiography
Ruth Wilson, SRC

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Images: Thoreau quote near his cabin site Walden Pond

Practical application of Mysticism

Harmonizing with the Natural World
Julie Scott, SRC

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Images: Colorful landscape with hiker, Swimmer underwater

Inner learning through power of silence

Universal Intelligence: The Plant Kingdom
Julian Johnson, FRC

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Video: The Intelligence of Plants
Images: Bee on a thistle, Bristlecone pine, Mimosa pudica flower, Sawfly larvae eating a leaf, Tree roots

Awakening the heart

An Open Letter to Animals
Serge Toussaint, FRC

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MP3: Audio
Images: Baby gorilla, Dolphins, Highland cattle calf, Meerkat family, Nile crocodile, Red panda, Weaver bird with nest


Through the Pages of the Book of Nature - Our Imperturbable Peace
Michael Shaluly, FRC

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Video: Through the Pages of the Book of Nature
Images: Delphi Apollo Temple, Fog in forest, Inside the temple, Orion Nebula, Peaceful seaside, Robert Fludd rose painting, Sunset meditation


The Universe as One Living Organism: An Exploration of the Cosmological Views of Thomas Berry
Gertrude Spencer, SRC

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Images: Milky Way over the ocean, Planting a tree in India, Thomas Berry



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Image: Sea Turtle


Description of Rosicrucian Park From an Ecological Landscape/Bioregional Point of View
Fred McPherson, FRC

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Images: Milky Way with Earth, Poppies and purple flowers Rosicrucian Alchmey Garden, San Jose from far away, San Jose on West Coast

color pantacle

Web Supplementals

A Living Earth
Irving Soderlund, FRC

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Image: Tamarin monkey

Tamarin monkey

Earth Charter

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Image: Sunrise over Earth

Sunrise over Earth

Ecological Consciousness
Julie Scott, SRC

Video: Ecological Consciousness
Image: Rose Croix Illumination

Rose Croix Illumination

Expanding our Awareness of our Place in the Universe
Julie Scott, SRC

Video: Expanding our Awareness of our Place in the Universe
Image: Infinity mirror room, by Yayoi Kusama

Infinity mirror room by Yayoi Kusama

Music of the Spheres - The Cosmos and Cosmic Intelligence
Ingrid Young, SRC

Video: Music of the Spheres - The Cosmos and Cosmic Intelligence
Image: Ptolemaic orbits

Ptolemaic orbits

My Forest Cathedral
Carena del Uno, SRC

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Images: A deer in the woods, Deeper in the forest, Forest gateway, Path leading into the forest

Rosicrucian Park Rose

Nature: A Neoplatonic Text
Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Image: Ralph Waldo Emerson

expulsion from paradise

Phoenix Rose poems

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Image: Rosicrucian Park Rose

Rosicrucian Park Rose

Rosicrucian Plea for Spiritual Ecology

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Image: Forest light burst

Golden rose cross

Rosicrucian Utopia

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Image: RC Logo

RC logo

The Appeal
Julie Scott, SRC

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MP3: Audio
Images: Pythagoreans Celebrate Sunrise, Holding Hands with a Child, Bunny

Pythagoreans celebrate

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“I am not one who was born in the possession of knowledge; I am one who is fond of antiquity, and earnest in seeking it there.”
- Confucius