Location: Trillium Pronaos
Street: 41 Rosemount Avenue
City/Town: Ottawa, ON, K1Y 1P3
Website or Map: https://sites.google.com/a/amorc.rosicrucian.org/ontariorosicrucians/home/trillium-pronaos
A free in-person Mystical Day event: Morning Mystical Pronaos Convocation (for AMORC members only) followed by public afternoon Open House/Meetup workshop presentations - "Care and feeding of the Soul" and "Who am I - A Journey into Self".
Mystical Day Theme Overview: Our soul is like a rosebud, unfolding petal by petal until its full beauty is revealed. Just as a rose requires specific conditions to help it grow and blossom, our soul too needs care and feeding. Throughout this Mystical Day, we will explore these needs of the soul, how providing for Its needs is important for our evolution and how we may specifically stay connected with what our soul needs most.
This special day will provide Rosicrucian members and non-members:
* A time to come together as a community of spiritually minded souls, from whatever spiritual tradition or background, wishing to connect with one another and something greater than our individualized selves
* Thoughtful presentations, discussions, meditative explorations and thought experiments towards attuning with our True spiritual nature
* An opportunity to participate in a formal Rosicrucian meditation for peace and healing for the benefit of all humanity
* A chance to learn a bit more about the Rosicrucian Order (AMORC)
There is no fee to attend this event. A donation to help offset the costs of the day gratefully accepted and appreciated.
9:30 am: Doors open - Please plan to arrive no later than 10:15 am
10:20 am: Pre-convocation meditation
10:30 am: Pronaos Convocation - Membership credentials and current dues paid receipt required
1:00 pm: First workshop: "Care and feeding of the Soul"
2:00 pm: Second workshop: "Who am I - A Journey into Self"
3:30 pm: Ritual (open to non-members): "Council of Solace"
4:00 pm: Wrap up
L.O.L. Hall
41 Rosemount Avenue (near intersection of Gladstone and Parkdale avenues)
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
For more information please feel free to write to us via email at: trillium.amorc@gmail.com
Please also feel free to share the following Meetup link with your non-member friends and family who would be most welcome for the afternoon presentations:
Hope you can join us!