Southeast Region, AMORC Intercontinental Conference - July 1, 2023 - Virtual Event

July 1, 2023 from 9:00 AM to 2:30 PM

Location: Online 9:00am EDT
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Online 9:00am EDT

Event Description

Dear Fratres and Sorores,

I wanted to take a moment to share an exciting event by the GA Region of AMORC that I believe would be of great interest to you. The AMORC Inter-continental Virtual Conference will feature Grand Master Julie Scott, Honorary Grand Master Kenneth Idiodi, and Grand Administrator Eugenius Idiodi. The conference will take place on July 1, 2023, at 9:00 AM, and I think you would benefit from attending.

This online conference will explore the theme of "Being a Mystic in our Evolving World." Over the course of the day, we will delve into what it takes to be a mystic in our rapidly changing world. Our keynote speaker will be Grand Master Julie Scott, who is an expert in the field of mysticism. Our special guest speakers Honorary Grand Master Kenneth Idiodi and the Most Venerable Grand Administrator Eugenius Idiodi.

For login information, please RSVP now at:

I hope to see you online on July 1, 2023 for this very special public event!

Thank you for your time.

Sincerely and fraternally,
Frater Olisa

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