Location: Online 8:00 pm EST
Website or Map: https://sites.google.com/a/amorc.rosicrucian.org/ontariorosicrucians/home/toronto-lodge
Toronto Lodge cordially invites you to their members-only teleconference and discussion on Thursday, February 13, 2025 which is being presented by Soror Arlene Terry.
Imagine a culture that celebrates women as fonts of wisdom ... Imagine a tradition that values more than just intellectual ways of knowing, such as synchronicities and dreams and intuition ... Imagine teachers who encourage their students to anticipate the path ahead, not to just look for an immediate solution ... Imagine a Sage who requires the Inquirer to participate in their inquiry, in order to evoke deeper learning ... Imagine Shamanesses who invite us to be all we can be ... These were the Oracles of Delphi.
Please join us for a presentation of "The Oracles of Delphi" by Grand Master Julie Scott from The Rosicrucian Digest on Mysticism, Volume 102, Number 2, 2024. Participate with Soror Terry in sharing thoughts an insights on this article.
Access at 7:45 pm (EST) Event starts at 8:00 pm (EST)
1) Arrivals and Pleasantries
2) Welcome & Announcements
3) Introduction of Soror Arlene Terry
4) Reading and discussion, “The Oracles of Delphi”
5) Closing